GMF AeroAsia
Whistleblowing System

In accordance with the commitment of PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk (hereinafter referred to as GMF) to consistently and continuously implement good corporate governance principles, the company is fully committed to providing a system for enforcing these principles.
The GMF Whistleblowing System (WBS) is an application developed by GMF as a means for whistleblowers to report alleged violations or fraud that have occurred or may occur within the GMF environment, involving all GMF stakeholders, under GMF's authority.
This system aims to facilitate the submission of reports, complaints, or disclosures of alleged violations that have occurred within the company. Additionally, the system is designed to maintain the confidentiality of the reporter's identity, providing a sense of security for the reporter.
With this system in place, we hope that the management, handling, and monitoring of complaints can be carried out effectively, efficiently, and with accountability. Therefore, we highly expect your active role in creating a clean GMF. If you know of any alleged violations or fraud within the GMF environment, please report them to us through the GMF WBS System.